Written by Buje
Written by Buje
Written by Buje
Written by Buje
Written by Buje
Written by Buje
Written by Buje
Written by Buje
Title card 1
Title card 1
Title card 2
Title card 2
Watercolor paper soaked in tea and toasted to achieve the texture
Watercolor paper soaked in tea and toasted to achieve the texture
The non profit organization "Morin Khuur Center in North America" wanted to continue their presence despite pandemic hit the world. Their solution was to hold Virtual Concert for everybody. They needed unique and original animations for title screen, transition and end credits.
We needed to pick a theme for the animation and the basic concept was that the animation would appear as if painted on the paper.
The paper was fine watercolor paper and some sections were soaked in tea then toasted in the oven to add worn effect. The title was written by hand ( Buje ), which gave very distinct look.

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